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The Age (Melbourne's Daily Newspaper)

Strike a Pose

Strike a Pose
Melbourne Look

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wild Melbourne

Well campers, it certainly has been an eventful 48 hours. Some gangland dude was killed in jail. Nobody seems to be upset though. He was the basis of the mini-series Underbelly, so I am expecting Channel 9 to be showing re-runs again. Boring. Underbelly - TV

Last night I had my first thunderstorm - Melbourne style. It started all showy, lots of lightning and then BANG, hail hit. Granted, was only small hail, but it was exciting and scary at the same time. Last time I had a battle with hail, my car lost and my house flooded. I was like a little kid at the end however, out in the backyard eating the "ice from the sky". Huh, I am higher on the food chain!

Had a weird experience on the train ride to work this morning. As usual, I was waiting at North Melbourne for my connecting train to the City Loop to get off at Flagstaff (the next station thankfully). Normally, the city loop trains are PACKED, and I mean it - we are talking up close and personal time! Anyway, the train pulled in and yes, packed as usual. This time I had to be on that train, so I just backed my wide arse into the small spot that was left and I squished in. My nose was touching the glass on the doors as they closed.

It was at this point I realised that there was a male standing very close to me. He was, well, excited about train travel - so for the next 5 minutes of my train ride, I had his bits pushing up against my bum. Most amount of action I have had in a few months I can assure you readers. Mind you, got me to thinking - what is the polite thing to do in this instance. I can see most of my gay friends rolling on the floor laughing at this point. I went with the idea of "enjoyment". I had to glimpse back as I got out of the train, trying to spot Mr Woody, and there he was. Uni student, and he winked at me. I love train travel now.

Training at the ASX 200 Listed Company continues. Have done most of my assessment and passed with flying colours. Except for what to do in an emergency - do not look to me for guidance! I will be the screaming mess trying to find my handbag..........

Have a couple of new friends coming over for dinner on Saturday - just going to do a Roast Chook and Veg, but found this yummo recipe for little Marmalade Puddings, am going to serve this with double cream. Can't wait!

My trusted monthly Metcard (this is paper card with a magnetic strip on it that can be used on Melbourne transport) expired today. I have decided to trial the new system, similar to the Go Card in Brisbane, but here it is called the MyKi. Where do they get these names from?

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