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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Social Responsibilty

Hello Everyone!

I didn't realise how many anonymous people viewed my little blog, but hey, isn't that the point of the world wide web?

Having recently completed training on "Social Responsibility" at my workplace - I have had to go back in my posts to do some editing. I know, it seems a little extreme, but I have to be clear that when I blog, I do not do this with the consent of my employer, nor should I identify them in any way. Free speech dies!

So in the interests of fun and games, I have given everyone a pseudonym and refer to my workplace as an ASX 200 Listed Company. Time to guess who!

I was also called to task about the accuracy of my posts. I never really thought about it to be honest, but as it turns out, one of my posts (which contained inaccurate information) almost turned into a workplace melt-down scenario - so again, my readers, I have done the paper thing and placed "corrections" through my previous posts. Oops, we all make mistakes, thats what makes us human.

On the brighter side, Sexy_Greek_Grandma and I went to Bingo last night - what a hoot. Nothing like the old-school RSL hall bingo I used to go to - this is a serious hobby/addiction for people! Mind you, they all loved that someone younger (yup, I was the baby in the room) was there to have fun. I could barely keep up! Definitely going back next week, I like a good challenge!

Bubbles (my new flatmate) seems to be loving my home cooking. I plan to teach Bubbles how to cook over the next 3 months, but in the meantime, I am my own little MasterChef. I managed to do a full shop (except 4 meat meals) for $200 - I was so proud! This should last for a fortnight - all things going to plan.

I am having Little_Ted (a friend who works at the ASX 200 Listed Company with me and Bubbles) over for dinner on Saturday night - maybe a chick flick on DVD and chocolate. Will be good as I am test driving one of those "You can feed a family for under $10" recipes from the supermarket. Should be fun!

Well kiddies, I am feeling a little down after the run in at the workplace, it seems that I have not made a super dooper impression on Funky_Centre_Manager but as you all know, I am honest (to a fault some say) and I do make mistakes. From mistakes we learn (I think some famous person said that).

Bridge rebuilt - time to move on.

Am trying to give up the ciggies too - after the Top_Politician told the media today that the death sticks could rise in cost by $10 per pack. Stuff that, I might move to Trans Fats instead - not taxed nearly as much!

Off to cook Field Mushroom Risotto for Bubbles and I tonight for dinner.

Plan to explore Southbank and Docklands this weekend. Wish me luck.


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