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Monday, April 5, 2010

The Big Move

Wow - I have moved from Motel Wonderful to my own little place in the burbs. It feels so good to be in my own home, and I have space! I don't know whether I had told you all, but Townhouse 2 was a second option to the flat I really wanted, but for an additional $40 per week, I scored a 3 bedroom place instead of a 2.

With this said, I picked up the keys on Thursday and went and had a look at my new place for the first time! I have to be honest, its lovely. My room is the size of most people's lounge rooms - I have my king size bed, desk & 2 hutch's and still have tonnes of room to move.

The great Mothership was on hand when the removalists arrived (late) on Thursday afternoon. It wasn't long until the house was full of boxes. However, prior to the removalist's arrival, the MS and I spent 4 hours cleaning - standards are very different between Qld and Vic. Had I left a home like this at the end of my lease I definitely would not have got my bond back and more likely than not, would have been taken to court!

Friday saw us unpacking again, and that is when the lurgy hit. Muffy & Ken's kids came down with something viral and it appeared that they passed this on to the MS. It takes a serious bug to force the great MS into bed, so I just pottered around downstairs. She was back on her feet on Saturday morning, but I then came down with the same thing on Sunday, so we have been like ships in the night.....

The removalists have lost a couple of things of mine - will ring them on Tuesday to find out what to do......my kitchen cupboards are very empty!

Today is a recovery day for me, still have a little fever, but hope to get out to Williamstown to have a peek.

Here are some photos -will post more when I feel a little more healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Adam, your place looks lovely. You must be so happy. Glad you are feeling better. Say 'Hi' to your mum for me. :)
