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Monday, March 29, 2010

First week of Training

Ok, so my friend Damaris is all over me about my blog, yes it was a last minute decision to start and I am trying to catch up since I have been here.

Week 1 at [an ASX 200 listed company] in Victoria - well I have moved to Complaints Management as a Case Manager - what does this mean I hear you ask? Anytime you are unhappy with the company, yours truly gets to have a peak as your Advocate. Challenges are my forte!

Interesting bunch of people in training, coming from a wide background in a variety of industries including service, call centre, insurance, hospitality, tech support & taxation! Certainly an interesting mix of people. I am really looking forward to getting my teeth into intersting cases but I have another 4 weeks of training to look forward too...........

So far this week at Motel Wonderful, I have met:

* 4 sex workers

* 2 drug dealers

* a journalist for a major newspaper

* a girl who has an amazing fascination with conspiracy theories

* 2 trannies

* and a couple of people on day release from the local hospital

So far, I have also seen all the divisions of emergency services, with the exception of the terrorist unit (something to look forward to perhaps). Nights are the worst, but so far I have experienced:

* 2 Drug Busts, cops, sirens the lot
* Domestic Violence breakup (Police, Ambulance & Child Services)
* 1 mental health unit intervention for abscondment (Police, Ambulance)
* 1 almost exploding drug lab (Fire Brigade, Ambulance, lots of cops)
* Gang Warfare - this was last night - 3 police and 1 police chopper with a very bright light

Thursday night was the busiest so far - the police must have this place on their frequent visitor card. The chopper was a little scary, but it had a great light......now only if I had a big mirror ball it would have been like the Mardi Gras party!

I have got into my own routine now, get home from work, computer time and drinky (I think this place is getting to me) - marathon shower & then down to the Manager's Unit to use the BBQ for dinner. I am restricted to what I can prepare, but if it can go on a BBQ, I am there!

Then return to my room, wait for the evening entertainment and then off to bed.

I came across an interesting description of my motel the other day while I was trawling online:

The Motel is popular with guests throughout the year, as it is conveniently located near the Flemington Racecourse, Royal Melbourne Showgrounds, West Gate Freeway, Melbourne City, MCG, Etihad Stadium & Docklands area

This is the best creative writing I have ever experienced!

p.s get a load of the train network - how confusing! Also a pic of the kind of tram I always get in the morning.



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